Chauvet Germany GmbH


Chauvet is a major innovator, developer and manufacturer of lighting, control systems and power distribution.

The company offers seven brands that lead the entertainment lighting market globally, in terms of design, flexibility, and options: CHAUVET ProfessionalCHAUVET DJKino FloChamSysIluminarcLynTec and Trusst. All have a global reach built upon three core tenets: Value, Innovation, and Performance—VIP for short. Through the universal language of lighting, Chauvet brings its customers tools to illustrate human emotions, further aspirations, and memorialize life’s greatest moments.

A passion for lighting and the drive to excel unite an otherwise diverse staff around the world. All share the realization that straightforward advice, after-sale service, and support (going beyond top-of-the-line products) are key to a truly satisfied customer.

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